Quietest Feeling + Minister Through Music Episode 3
"Quietest Feeling" is a beautiful new primary song for children, written by Pam Peterson. The song reminds us of the quietest feeling of peace we get when we think about Jesus.
Watch this touching video of children singing "Quietest Feeling."
Pam Peterson really did an incredible job with the lyrics to this song and I especially love the chorus:
And so I think about Jesus
And how I love Him
And how I want to be with Him someday
And when I think about Jesus
I get the quietest feeling
I know that quietest feeling is peace
Along with this new primary song, we also released Episode 3 of our "Minister Though Music" primary series. Lucie and Brook offer helpful tips and ideas on how to teach this gorgeous song to children. The message of "Quietest Feeling" is so touching that Lucie and Brook actually got emotional several times during the filming process. We think you'll absolutely love this episode!
Those teaching this song to children will be delighted to know that the Quietest Feeling Song Kit resource is available (see below) and includes custom artwork created by the very talented Susan Fitch.
Quietest Feeling is also available on iTunes or wherever music is sold: htps://music.apple.com/us/album/quietest-feeling-single/1575276193
We kindly invite you to share these touching videos with your Primary Music Leaders or anyone you feel might be blessed them. And may God bless you in everything you are doing to minister to others through music!
All the best,
The Jackman Music Team
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