Come, Come, Ye Saints - String Quartet and Piano

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Experience a heartfelt expression of the beloved pioneer hymn with this arrangement for string quartet and piano. With the emotional underpinnings of both trial and triumph, this piece proves appropriate for worshipful settings, funerals, and sacred celebrations. Suitable for experienced musicians, this package comes with a full conductor score and instrumental parts, plus access to rehearsal tracks to help you perfect the nuances of the piece.

This edition includes access to rehearsal tracks, a convenient practice tool that helps choir members learn their parts on any computer or smart device. Click here to learn more.

Composer: Old English Tune
Arranger: A. Grant Gibbons
Difficulty: Medium-difficult
Performance Time: approx. 4:25

Resources: Doctrine and Covenants 61:36-39Doctrine and Covenants 59:1-4

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