Christmas Duetbook - Vocal Duets

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Ten Christmas duets for two equal voices and piano, including familiar carols and other beautifully festive pieces.

The vocal ranges are as follows: high part—high G to middle D; low part—high F to low G.

Arrangements included:
Away in a Manger
Away in a Manger (Violin Part)
A Virgin Shall Conceive
The First Noel
Follow that Star
Mary's Lullaby (Folk Song)
On This Day Earth Shall Sing
Silient Night
Silient Night (Violin Part)
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance Flowing?
Zither Carol

Composer: Various/Traditional
Arranger: Donald Ripplinger
Lyricist: Various/Traditional
Difficulty: Medium

Reference: Luke 2

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