Organ Chains - Book 7

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$11.95 USD
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Organ preludes, containing twenty-nine favorite hymns arranged in a continuous medley—start anywhere and end anywhere, filling time with reverent music.

Titles included in this volume:
Come We That Love the Lord
Rock of Ages
Precious Savior Dear Redeemer
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Jesus the Very Thought of Thee
Savior Redeemer of My Soul
Come unto Him
Cast Thy Burden on the Lord
Reverently and Meekly Now
In Humility, Our Savior
Jesus of Nazareth
There Is a Green Hill Far Away
I Stand All Amazed
How Great the Wisdom
Jesus Once of Humble Birth
God Our Father Hear Us Pray
My Redeemer Lives
Savior Redeemer of My Soul
O Thou Kind and Gracious Father
God's Daily Care
Lord Accept Our True Devotion
We Give Thee But Thine Own
Sabbath Day
We Listen to a Prophet's Voice
God Bless Our Prophet Dear
Help Me Teach with Inspiration
Let the Holy Spirit Guide
When Faith Endures

Composer: Various
Arranger: Brent Jorgensen
Difficulty: Medium-easy

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