Son of Man, Vol. 1 (CD)

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Kenneth Cope brings you Son of Man, a musical about the life of Christ, with world-class cast and orchestra. Vol.1 or "Act 1" features the birth, growing up, and the first half of Jesus's ministry; 80 minutes, 20 tracks. We think you'll find Son of Man to be incredibly powerful and deeply touching!
Also, check out our choral arrangement of "Hidden in My Heart" from Son of Man the Musical.

Son of Man is a two-act, dramatic musical for the stage about the mortal life of Jesus Christ, featuring his birth, growing up, ministry, betrayal, suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension. It is a little over two and a half hours in length, and involves more than thirty vocal soloists, as well as group vocalists (curious townspeople, courageous apostles, contentious Pharisees, believing multitudes, hostile crowds, etc.), full orchestra and choir, and a number of ethnic wind and percussion instruments, all emotionally drawing us into that remarkable Life who, two-thousand years ago, forever changed our world.
I have created this work from a perspective of faith. The musical puts forth an image of Christ in flesh that represents His divinity and power, as well as His approachability and humanity. We see a Savior who loves, who finds joy in the human soul, who dances with His brothers (He was, after all, a Jew), and who makes the most out of His earthly experience.
Son of Man is a sung-through musical with no spoken dialogue. Therefore, Christ sings along with everyone else to communicate, to teach, to work His miracles, to pray, and to bless. It is a living, breathing Jesus Christ before us on the stage. And yet His wisdom, His manifestations of miraculous power, His overwhelming love, and the confidence of His teachings amaze the rest of humanity around Him. He is on the one hand like every man, and yet unlike any other that has ever lived. This is the Jesus you will find in Son of Man.
—Kenneth Cope

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