My Peace Thou Wilt Restore - SA

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Arranged for women's chorus (SA) and piano, in the key of G - from Carter's oratorio "Alpha and Omega." Highest note: D.

An author's note about this piece from Dan Carter:
"I have thought many times about why the Savior's burden is truly light, and why He can lighten ours. He was "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief," but He had no sorrows or grief that He himself caused. His sorrows are the ones we give Him; ones which we have caused. If we will come unto Him with contrite hearts and change our ways to His, we become as pure and free from the sorrows of the world as He is. What a light burden we have because of Him!"

Composer: Dan L. Carter
Lyricist: Jeanne Burgon
Difficulty: Medium / medium-difficult acc.

Performance time: 3:00

Reference: John 14:27, John 16:33, Hebrews 4:14–16

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