Jackman Music App - Coming Soon!
Having inspiring and meaningful rehearsals and performances is not always easy. And we know that learning new music comes with its own share of challenges.
In the case of choirs, there are those who love choir but are unable to attend. Some people love to sing but don't know how to read music. Many directors have limited rehearsal time before a performance and lack tools and resources to help them.
Today we are thrilled to announce the Jackman Music app!
We know how much work goes into preparing for a performance and the Jackman Music app is here to make your job easier. When you use the app, you save time rehearsing, your rehearsals are more effective, and your performances shine.
The Jackman Music app allows you to do a number of things:
• Isolate your part and hear it performed by professional musicians.
• Mute your part and enjoy practicing along with the track.
• Rehearse your music at a slower tempo and work your way up to full speed.... or even faster. You can also adjust the key.
• Easily select the measures you want to rehearse and stay in time using the counter and metronome tools.
• Make a recording and enjoy listening to your progress.
The app is set to launch later this month. Almost all our new titles will be immediately available for the app when it releases and we will continue to release new popular titles from the Jackman Music catalog. It is our hope and prayer that this will be a great resource for you and allow more people to enjoy the blessing of singing in the choir!
God Bless,
Jackman Music
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